Absolutely understand the SQLite approach we were also looking at it too.
One concern: Are you thinking of an external lib (.dll) for the SQLite layer
or are you integrating it at source code level by licensing it from a
compatible license?
From: Jeff Stedfast [mailto:jeff-***@public.gmane.org]
Sent: Saturday, November 23, 2013 6:44 AM
To: Jaroslav Imrich
Cc: Sid Shetye; Bouncy Castle Developer List
Subject: Re: [dev-crypto-csharp] Certificate store for cross platform
Okay... I've broken down and implemented a SQLite database for storing
certificates (along with the S/MIME Capabilities for the clients associated
with each certificate - this is needed to properly determine which
encryption algorithm to use) and the CRLs.
It was just getting to be too much of a PITA to store each of these things
in different files and manage relationships between them.
That said... I don't know a whole lot about CRLs and want to get this
Can I assume that X509Crl's with an identical IssuerDN and a newer
ThisUpdate replaces an older X509Crl with the same IssuerDN?
Or do I just need to keep collecting CRLs?
In other words: if I have an X509Crl with an IssuerDN of "XYZ" and a
ThisUpdate of "Yesterday", would an X509Crl with an issuerDN of "XYZ" and a
ThisUpdate of "Today" contain the same list of certificates (plus any new
ones) as the first CRL?
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 4:45 PM, Jaroslav Imrich <jaroslav.imrich-***@public.gmane.org
<mailto:jaroslav.imrich-***@public.gmane.org> > wrote:
Hello Sid,
currently there is no "standard certificate store" available on Linux.
Almost every application (cryptographic library) uses its own solution but
there is an ongoing effort to solve this sad situation in p11-glue project
[0] that promotes PKCS#11 as a glue between crypto libraries and security
applications. I think you should take a look at its two suprojects P11-Kit
[1] and TrustModule [2]. PKCS#11 interface is nowadays supported by almost
every smartcard/HSM middleware and there are also pure software modules
available such as SoftHSM [3] or NSS Internal PKCS#11 module (used by
Mozilla products). Unmanaged PKCS#11 modules can be easily interfaced in C#
via managed wrappers such as Pkcs11Interop [4]. Full disclosure: I am the
author of Pkcs11Interop :)
However if you are looking for a quickest, easy to understand, easy to
implement and "truly" cross-platform solution (Android and iOS included) you
will probably end up with something very similar to Jeff's solution with
PKCS#12 file.
[0] http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/
[1] http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/p11-kit.html
[2] http://p11-glue.freedesktop.org/trust-module.html
[3] http://www.opendnssec.org/softhsm/
[4] http://pkcs11interop.net/
Kind Regards / S pozdravom
Jaroslav Imrich
http://www.jimrich.sk <http://www.jimrich.sk/>
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 8:35 PM, Sid Shetye <sid314-1ViLX0X+***@public.gmane.org
<mailto:sid314-1ViLX0X+***@public.gmane.org> > wrote:
Thanks Jeff.
Taking a step back before jumping into library details, did you find any
other alternatives before deciding to have your own cert store
implementation? I ask because it seems odd (to me) that you and I would be
the first ones to face the cross platform certificate store problem
surely someone else might have solved this before. Especially in the Bouncy
Castle community? Thats my (perhaps naïve) thinking. So would appreciate if
you could share your learnings on this topic (and great job on the GitHub
From: Jeff Stedfast [mailto:jeff-***@public.gmane.org <mailto:jeff-***@public.gmane.org> ]
Sent: Tuesday, November 12, 2013 11:05 AM
To: Sid Shetye
Cc: Bouncy Castle Developer List
Subject: Re: [dev-crypto-csharp] Certificate store for cross platform
Hi Sid,
I asked this question just last week ;-)
What I ended up doing is to use a pkcs12 file to store private certs/keys
and a file containing unencrypted certs for everything else (like CAs and
If you come up with a better way, I'd appreciate if you let me know. I'm
working on a cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android) MIME
library with support for S/MIME and PGP, so am really interested in a
cross-platform way of managing certificates.
You can find my current cross-platform certificate management logic here:
and here:
The first link creates 2 X509CertificateStores, one for root certificates
and one for user certs (equivalent, I suppose, of StoreName.Root and
StoreName.My). I should probably also have something equivalent to
StoreName.AddressBook, but right now they are stored in the pkcs12 file
along with the user's other personal certificates.
Hope that helps,
On Tue, Nov 12, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Sid Shetye <sid314-1ViLX0X+***@public.gmane.org
<mailto:sid314-1ViLX0X+***@public.gmane.org> > wrote:
Hi folks,
Although we do use BC for some crypto stuff, we havent explored anything
beyond the standard Windows cert store for certificate storage. So at
present we use the Windows certificate store as:
var store = new X509Store(StoreName.My, StoreLocation.LocalMachine);
store.Open(OpenFlags.OpenExistingOnly | OpenFlags.ReadOnly);
var certs = store.Certificates.Find(X509FindType.FindBySubjectName,
subjectName, true);
Wed like to switch to something thats more cross platform (esp Linux
compatible). What are some good design patterns for a secure, cross platform
certificate storage? We need to store RSA and EC certificates as well as
their respective private keys (if they exist in the password protected PFX).